Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2011

In Expressing Myself

In Expressing Myself

            Well, I admit that I’m not that showy when it comes to expressing ME.

            For being snobbish, I think the reason why I’m like this is because I’m shy. Am I right? That’s what I see in other people who, like me, are also queen or king of snob. Let me explain this one... What’s the connection between being shy and being snobbish? People who are shy, of course, they don’t talk too much and every time there’s someone who wants to talk to them, the tendency is like shoosh~~… all you can hear is the sound of the wind. You will ask why she/he is like that. Eh kasi nga nahihiya makipag-usap eh!

Most of the time people who are snobbish and shy are so hard to approach and that’s one problem with me. I know! (Ouch! Kinda hate myself for being like that!). I don’t know why I’m like this, can’t explain, after all I’m not a psychologist or mind reader or anyone who can explain why.

Another problem with me is that I’m not good in giving advice. Really wonder why… maybe because I’m the one who needs advice hahaha. Well, when someone’s gonna ask me some advice, I’m trying (you hear that? I’m trying) to give a very good advice but I can’t. So every time you gonna ask me, expect the expected haha.

Next is I’m very secretive, aren’t I? It’s like that I’m not making something a big deal. If I have problem/s I keep it to myself. I feel like I don’t want to share it (but not the feeling that I’m selfish). For me, sometimes, my problem has nothing to do with you. I want to solve my problems on my own as long as I can (what an independent person am I! haha) but if I can’t, I’m sharing it to others as well but not often.

Another is not too optimistic but one thing is sure, I’m not pessimistic. When something happened or something will happen, I’m not thinking of negative things as well as positive things. I mean, my mind is blank. If the result is good then it’s good, if the result is bad then okay I can’t do anything with it anymore, that’s the result! Just accept it! Maybe you’re asking to yourself why sometimes I’m not reacting or I don’t have any reaction at all when something bad happens or something good happens (POKER FACE? Haha not sure if happy or not?). Well, I’m always like that. Don’t want to be over acting. Just want to be relaxed.

Am I serious? I mean sometimes I’m not talking and don’t care what’s happening around me. I’m not in the mood to talk, I’m lazy in talking.

Next, am I feeling weird to myself? Sometimes, inside the classroom, someone (or the whole class) will laugh out loud or should I say over react *cough-MCB-cough* and *cough-WILHEMAE-cough* with the joke of one of our classmates and I’m the only one who’s not laughing. I don’t know if I’m weird or others are just over reacting with the lame joke or I just don’t find it funny on my side. And sometimes, I love things or people who are different from what my friends like. I’m not sure if its one of the signs or symptoms of being weird or I just have different likes and dislikes. Or maybe I just want the things that are not appreciated by others (effect of being compassionate?).  After all, ayoko makipag agawan sa inyo (but Kpop is another issue). Kung gusto niyo maging president lahat, go for it. Dun ako sa vice president walang kaagaw.

For being compassionate, well that’s true! Haha… isn’t it too obvious? I admit its not!! It’s because I appear being an ignorant, snobbish, short-tempered person. That’s the reason why you can’t see the other side. (Oh the problem of most people in the society). I want everything to be fair. If I’m eating and my friends are not, I can’t take it. That’s why if I have extra money I’m willing to treat them, give them the money and buy what they want. With that, no one will be hungry, all will be happy, and I will be satisfied.

I want to be helpful as long as I can. That’s my goal in life and the reason behind the dream of being a doctor someday. You know, of course, the feeling when you helped others who are REALLY in need. The smile in their faces makes your heart jump in joy.

For being short-tempered, haha... don’t know what to say. Maybe it’s hereditary, you know what I say??

For being strict, well, I’m not that strict naman di ba? Hahaha… I just want a well-folded shirts and well-ironed clothes.

For being cold, haha… sorry I’m really cold. Should I be the Ice Princess of the Philippines? I just don’t like skinship so that’s it. Is that a problem?

For being a dog lover, you can’t do anything with it. Its either you accept or not.

Well, nowadays, people like you if you’re good and if they will benefit to you. For others, if they did something bad to someone, everyone will look on him as the worst person they knew. Not knowing that on the other side of being fierce of that person lays the soft side of his personality. Hope you see the both sides of each person’s personality and understand them as they understand you.



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