Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2011

Is Everyone Happy?

Is Everyone Happy?

            It’s all about what I feel and what I think about the invasion of Kpop not just within me but also within my friends.
            We all know that I’m invaded by Kpop, as in totally invaded. Can’t escape with their world. I love Korean songs, Korean people, Korean language, and Korea itself. When I was young, I like to buy stationery and I did not realized that those stationeries are Korean stationeries. I don’t know since I’m young that time.
            Back to the topic, I was really intoxicated by all Korean things. And my friends said that it’s all because of me that they become addicted to Kpop too. Actually, the tone of how they said it is like they are blaming me but or me I feel more honored hahahaha. Oh please, just be happy with it, after all ginusto niyo un.
            At first, no one can understand me. No one wants Korean groups. I’m a loner. Until one day, some of my friends started to like them. Bumigay na rin sila hahahaha.
            Honestly, I don’t know if napilitan lang sila o gusto talaga nila. I will be happy if gusto talaga nila and I will be happy too if napilitan lang sila because they are doing it for me hahaha. Wala pa rin talo. But a different feeling of course when you are just napilitan and you’re not happy with it.
            All in all, all are happy and so I’m also happy.

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