Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2011


After a very long time, here I am again making a note or blog entry.

  We're college students right now and until now I can't imagine that reality yet its really happening. Adjusting in schedule, in environment, with people around us, and the like make me feel something different. Well, I don't know if its just me or its really tiring to be a college student or I just need to learn how to adopt in this new stage of life I've entered.

  Actually, its great  that we met new friends and keep meeting a new one. In our school, I already met a lot and through general assembly and other school activities I still managed to show off my friendly side LOL. I even found a lot of Kpop lovers!! That's how great I am!!! (By the way, too bad there's no boy-next-to-my-heart guy in campus!! I hate it!!) At this time, I already felt the so-called "torn between friends" problem haha!! I still don't know what to do regarding that problem but let's not involve it in my facebook diary.

  For almost two months in college life, of course there is a thing that all of us attained and its the wordCHANGE. Change can be in the way you dress, the way you eat, the way you think, the way you study, the way you speak, and the like. And based from my observation, there's a lot of changes I noticed from me and from my old friends and also from my new friends.

  The changes I'm talking about myself is that I become more active in classroom discussions. I slighty setting aside my shyness and become more responsible in my studies. Maybe because I realized how different college life is compared to high school life. I've become more busy too =).

  The change I noticed with my old friends or long-time friends or close friends or whatever you call that is, its really awkward to talk to them right now rather than talking to them before. I noticed that the way they talk is different from what they used to be in high school days. FYI, I'm not hallucinating okay?? I know that the environment and the people around them are one of the factors why it is happening. Its just I don't know if what they got or if that change I'm talking about is a good thing or not. But one thing is for sure, they're still my friends, right??

[Just to inform you, I'm still the lazy queen when its about reviewing my notes whenever there's an examination or quizzes the next day. And also, I'm still the Ms. Selfish from what I used to be before (you know what I mean, right?). Another thing that will never ever be changed when you think of me is I will be a Kpop lover now and forever hahahaha!!!]

****Regarding about this note, I know my work is lacking and some of the idea is not complete yet I finished it immediately hohoho... so lazy to think of words to use eh!! And also, I'm not into English!! Another thing, making this is half of the time of an episode of the Korean drama I'm watching LOL****

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